7 Time Tested Strategies for Success

1. Be curious. Live moment to moment, always open to learning something new. Be aware of the opportunities to grow and learn in every interaction or happening of your day. Ask lots of questions, not to challenge, but to learn and understand.

2. Take notes. Capture your thoughts, insights, and feelings towards things you learn about or hear other people say. Make it a discipline to always have something with you that you can jot down the insights you want to capture and then take the time at the end of the day to organize the amazing principles, insights, and lessons you learned for future reference. Keep a notepad by your bed at night as well, it is amazing how many ideas you will continue to have when you continue to open up your mind and heart to learning.

3. Always take a book with you. No matter where I go, I always take a book with me, as you never know when you’ll be waiting in line, etc. to continue to enhance your learning. If it’s not a book, have a magazine, article, or newspaper…something to keep you focused on growing and learning.

4. Join or start a book club. Having a book club of people that are committed to sharing their insights to the assigned readings take your learnings to a whole new level. Everyone who reads a book gets something different out of it…it is great to share different perspectives to get as much out of each and every resource you invest the time into.

5. Make your vehicle your “University on Wheels.” Instead of listening to music or the radio shows, choose to use the time in your vehicle for growth and learning. Obtain some great books on cd/mp3/ipod that you can turn on to gain valuable insights and strategies for your life. This is especially true for long road trips….you can gain some incredibly great lessons in a few hours! I also recommend having a voice recorder for your vehicle to capture your thoughts and ideas – you don’t want to miss out on any of your million dollar insights!

6. Invest into yourself. The greatest investment you will ever make is the one into yourself, so take the time to take a class, attend industry workshops/events, attend a seminar or training, research online for great articles/blogs/studies, and build up your success library with books/audio programs. It is your responsibility to take your personal and professional life to the next level, not your employers, yet the cool thing is that many times they will provide you the resources!!

7. Find a mentor, coach, colleague, or friend that will challenge you from a place of wanting you to be successful. All successful people have chosen to surround themselves with people that will challenge them to get better. Take the time to study and learn from the best of the best, yet also spend time with people who will be honest and straightforward with you on your strengths and opportunities.

In Your Service

Brandon Johnson

“Positive Energy Guy”

Award-winning Author, Speaker, & Trainer (more importantly, a loving husband, father, son, brother and friend), Brandon W. Johnson, a.k.a., "Positive Energy Guy"