What I Have Learned – #55 (July 2024)

What I Have Learned – Volume 55 (July 2024) I have learned to do what I have to do now to create the freedom to do what I want to do in the future. I have learned that if you want to know how much money you need for financial independence take your annual expenses/spending…

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What I Have Learned – #54 (June 2024)

I have learned that it truly is a fact that dogs are man’s best friends. I have learned that motivation can be created by taking action. I have learned that I can deeply love our country and at the same time not love the politicians that our running our government. I have learned that nothing…

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What I Have Learned – #53 (May 2024)

I have learned to never underestimate the energy and power of connection I feel when meeting a new person with similar interests. I have learned that it is critically important to always start with choosing reality when making decisions for my future. I have learned that I want the true data without all the drama.…

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What I Have Learned – #52 (April 2024)

I have learned that most career politicians are really not representing the needs of American citizens. I have learned a bad day for my Ego is a great day for my Soul. I have learned that if I love doing something it is important to make it a part of my life. I have learned…

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What I Have Learned – #51 (March 2024)

What I Have Learned – Volume 51 (March 2024) I have learned that it is more important to add life to my remaining years vs. just focusing on adding more years to my life. I have learned that people see what they want to see. I have learned that there is always an excuse available…

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