Reasons or RESULTS!!

I just posted on my facebook page this morning a great quote, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t you’ll find an excuse.” Isn’t that the truth!?!?! Think of the times where you really WANTED something and you did whatever it took to be successful….do you remember the ENERGY it took to do that? Do you remember the COURAGE that it took to put yourself out there? Do you remember how some people in your life may have not “backed you up” on it? YET YOU DID IT ANYWAY. And more often than not you were successful, and if you weren’t, the lessons you learned from putting your all into something have served you ever since.

You have REASONS or you have RESULTS. There is no in-between. When I first heard that phrase or statement at a Peak Potentials training, it hit me. It hit me hard in a “loving” kind of way. It reminded me that my life is up to me, my family, my team, etc. to make it what it is. And it also reminded me to stay focused on what is truly important to me, as I will do anything to make those things happen.

I continue to reflect on this daily, as I am going after one of my dreams of becoming “The World’s Greatest College Professor.” There are people around me that champion that and cheer me on and there are others that don’t, that doesn’t make them right or wrong, it just makes it another “test” from the Universe on whether or not I am fully COMMITTED to making that dream a reality. The best test on whether or not your dream is truly your dream is to look at your daily progress….are the days filled with REASONS why you haven’t achieved that dream or are they filled with steps/RESULTS of making progress towards that dream. Only you can answer that.

Be clear on what you want to achieve on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis my friends and then go after it with this philosophy in hand. Focus on the RESULTS side of things and if you feel the Reasons sneaking up on you, take some ACTION towards your goal/dream and you’ll see those Reasons go by the wayside.

Take one step towards your goal/dream today, whether that is a phone call, a new relationship, an article, etc. – do it today. And feel the positive energy that is created from getting RESULTS versus creating another Reason.

In Your Service!

Brandon Johnson

“Positive Energy Guy”

Award-winning Author, Speaker, & Trainer (more importantly, a loving husband, father, son, brother and friend), Brandon W. Johnson, a.k.a., "Positive Energy Guy"