Reasons or RESULTS

In every given situation….you have either reasons or you have RESULTS….which will you choose? Reasons are all the ways and why’s you weren’t successful – the excuses for not accomplishing what you set out to do. RESULTS is the finality of the situation – it’s the putting in the Energy and Execution you needed in order to get the RESULTS you set out for.

There is no in-between folks. In life you will have reasons or you will RESULTS.

Are you willing to do what it takes to get the RESULTS? Are you willing to go through the pain, the challenges, and the uncomfortable-ness in order to breakthrough and get the RESULTS you deserve? Only you can answer that. And I encourage you to not answer it in your thoughts and language, but through your ACTIONS!

It’s easier to just sit back and blame your lack of RESULTS on such reasons as the economy, your lack of money, your lack f experience, your lack of connections, etc. etc….all EXCUSES and reasons for not doing what you need to do to create Success in your life.

How does one create the habits for RESULTS you may ask? It’s doing it. It’s the learning what you need to learn to get better, it’s surrounding yourself with people that will challenge you to rise above and improve your performance, it’s not settling for “good enough” and striving for OUTSTANDING, it’s getting better each and every day, and as you begin to get the RESULTS you are seeking you will start to see how that energy carries over into all aspects of your life…..all you have to do is get the momentum rolling.

As the great Les Brown has said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to START to be great!”

In Your Service

Brandon Johnson

“Positive Energy Guy”


Award-winning Author, Speaker, & Trainer (more importantly, a loving husband, father, son, brother and friend), Brandon W. Johnson, a.k.a., "Positive Energy Guy"