The Five Temptations of a CEO by Patrick Lencioni

This book is one of the books that is one of the top “leadership fables” that have come out the past 10+ years. This fable style of writing is very entertaining and is easy to read. Traditional business books full of facts can be less engaging and in so, the reader misses out on many of the lessons that the author is wanting them to get.

In this book Mr. Lencioni does a great job of engaging the reader across the board and its a quick read that is full of some really great insights and things to think about as a leader. I recommend you add this book to your Success Library and begin the journey of looking within, being authentic, and moving your success forward.

The 3 main lessons that I have taken from this book are:

1. Make clarity more important than accuracy. When you have a vision of where you are going you are much more able to adapt and handle the adversities that will come your way. Without the vision, the results become based more on luck than the actual planning.

2. Any decision is better than no decision. This one shows up on a daily basis for all of us….making decisions….or not making decisions. I can honestly see in my own life that the days that I “pass” on making decisions because I want to reflect/discuss/etc., are the ones that I am actually holding back our progress. Decide and move on.

3. People who trust one another are willing to speak their minds and hearts without retaliation. This is a big one for teams and organizations, if the members aren’t willing to share their insights and feelings the entire team is missing out on their genius. It is everyone’s job to allow themselves to be vulnerable, yet also to be willing to build strong enough relationships with one another that you listen and are open to others ideas/input. Trust, trust, and more trust.

Anyone in a leadership role and/or aspiring to be one must read this book. It really hits on some great points that get you to look at things from a new perspective and to be able to apply the teachings into your life. Happy Reading!!

In Your Service

Brandon Johnson

“Positive Energy Guy”

Award-winning Author, Speaker, & Trainer (more importantly, a loving husband, father, son, brother and friend), Brandon W. Johnson, a.k.a., "Positive Energy Guy"