What I Have Learned – #45 (September 2023)

I have learned that failure provides me with the choice to either be defeated or to rise to the challenge the next time.

I have learned that my family deserves my very best energy of the day versus the “leftovers.”

I have learned that I don’t get to choose some of the aspects of life that happens to me, but I do get to choose what I do next.

I have learned that free advice is not always the best advice.

I have learned that I can whine and complain about something or I can do something about it.

I have learned that it is important to periodically identify what in my life is getting too much of my time and also what is getting too little of my time.

I have learned that a secret to happiness is to just every day look to close the gap between the life I currently have and the life that I want.

I have learned that someone’s opinion of me does not define who or what I am.

I have learned that I will never truly understand the impact I may have on another human being.

I have learned to embrace and enjoy the motto of Carpe Diem.

Award-winning Author, Speaker, & Trainer (more importantly, a loving husband, father, son, brother and friend), Brandon W. Johnson, a.k.a., "Positive Energy Guy"